Archive for December, 2010

Ron Marshall Equine Podiatry and Horse Shoe Creations

Posted in Horse Shoe Creations on December 30, 2010 by ronaldmarshall

The new year is the perfect time for a new look at the equine industry and the equine podiatry concept of treating horses with hoof problems. Not every horse needs a veterinarian and farrier team for shoeing , just as not every horse has to have shoes. When the need occurs, the vet and farrier have teamed up to make an accurate  diagnosis of the problem,  design the most effective orthotics and establish a plan to create an effective healing environment. My goal for 2011 is to strongly promote the veterinarian, farrier, owner team approach to therapeutic horse shoeing. For more information check out Founder and Laminitis.

I am redesigning my web site and have included Horse Shoe Creations by Ron. Please contact me for more information at: